Is one of the old genres and the most important of all because it is directly related with the teaching, learning, skill and entertainment for children, no matter that they are babies, nursery or primary.  It is widely used by parents, teachers and school rectors. It originated from the old rounds and playgrounds in war times of the 20th century, from the early 30s until the beginning of the 50s.  Originally in Colombia there were no children music, because record labels considered it a non-commercial genre.  The first spanish recording of this music was made in Mexico, recorded in the “Musart” label in 1954, and which album was titled “Canciones infantiles” (Children’s Songs). At the same time it was the first children album known in Colombia, thanks to the “Codiscos” label which published it in 1958, showing that this music was so commercial as any other. Like other genres, it has its variations with its respective application as the case may be. Is classified in: Games, Nanas, Skill, Playful and Didactic. Is used for children’s games, sleeping infants or toddlers, promotion of the ability and learning and child entertainment. Is characterized by their lyrics, rhythmic, lively and fun culture-centred. In some cases used in psychiatric and psychological therapies to treat people with problems of violence or motor skills. Years later in 1979, a spanish teacher discovered that the children were strongly failing in mathematics, mainly in the multiplication, so he contacted the “Hispavox” label suggesting a didactic recording for children where is teach the multiplication tables in musical form. The result was the album entitled “Multiplica con Enrique y Ana” (Multiply with Enrique y Ana), which in turn was known in Colombia thanks to the “Codiscos” label and released in 1980. However, the most important children’s album and that in turn was the first Colombian recording of this genre was “Canticuentos”, a five record set which first album was released in 1975 with lyrics and music by the Chilean journalist and composer Marlore Anwandter de Johnson and the children’s chorus of Roberto Rico and his family, produced by “Codiscos”.  This collection it’s so famous and wonderful because is the only recording that it solds in less than a week for each current releasing since its inception in the 70s. This genre is one of those that has little marketing because is only common in parents, day-care centers and rectors.

By :  Federico Blodek


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